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Published by
Silver Machine Press
© 2024
Genie Baskir
165-169 High Street
United Kingdom



What makes the story you are about to read so different from bogus explanations, is that it is not a stand-alone tale about radio broadcasting. First and foremost, it is a story about the manipulation of public opinion by stealth, which is another way of describing rigged elections by programming the minds of voting citizens.

It began by controlling mass gatherings in front of religious pulpits, and then, as the electronic age began to materialize, it made mass communication by the printed word in popular newspapers so much easier. Propaganda once delivered with a coating of participatory religious music, was wrapped in cartoons, advertising that promoted everything from clothing to cars, and community events of a social nature.

But then electronic technology continued its refinement to the point where physical manifestation in print was no longer necessary, and instead of audience participation in the world of music, a cultural shift took place in which audiences became consumers of culture. In that environment everything from pop music to pop fashion to pop ideology became the norm and any possibility of critical thinking that might result in a rejection of spoon-fed ideology was decimated by the gradual contraction of the mass media pipelines that came under the control of fewer and fewer masterminds.

In this ever-contracting environment using constantly developing means of sophisticated electronic communications, individual opinions became mass opinions that could be observed by the manifestation of mass consumer culture. Like boiling lobsters in ever increasing temperature, the transition has been slowly transferred from the age of print to the age of radio, to the age of television and the Internet Age and beyond.

But within the lifetimes of a handful of generations the sophisticated level of mind manipulation by electronic masters can be documented thanks to the similar parallel world of sophisticated record keeping. Libraries have kept pace with these developments thanks to the digitalization of newspapers, magazines and books, as well as the audio and visual products which have carried mass media messaging.

What we can now see, if we care to look, is how the Twentieth Century was shaped by the secretive world of mind manipulators. In the Western World it came to be popularized by the imagery of the fiction of 'James Bond', who did not arise from the mind manipulators of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but from the parent of that organization called the Secret Intelligence Service known today as MI6. Its parent was the organization known as the Crown, an institution born in the British Isles as a corporation sole during the reign of England's King Henry VIII, whose true persona has been covered via misdirection to the fate of the many women who were unfortunate enough to make his physical acquaintance.


This story begins at the point where the world erupts into a Great War which then became rebranded as World War One. It was at the moment when Alfred Harmsworth whose personal identity was smothered under the title of Viscount Northcliffe and his brother named Harold who also vanished under the title of Viscount Rothemere, that the mischief of mass mind manipulation began in earnest. It occurred on May 4, 1896, on the day that the first edition of a newspaper called the 'Daily Mail' emerged from a printing press and at about the same time that advances in technology was about to make mass communication by radio a practical reality.

After a period of trial and error in both the printing world and the world of wireless telephony, blocks of powerful communicators began to emerge on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. In the British Isles, the Crown corporation sole with its smothering power of sovereign governing control was manifest by the heavy hand of its Secret Intelligence Service. It viewed mass communications in private hands as a threat to its own existence.

But the SIS and its related domestic affiliated organizations, such as the emerging MI5, did not have to answer to a document such as the U.S. Constitution. Its wording begins with 'We The People', but the British Crown is a law unto itself. In fact, at the dawn of the Twentieth Century, an individual addressed as Her Majesty Queen Victoria, represented the British Crown corporation sole. This individual had been born into her position of power during the final days in the life of Thomas Jefferson. He had a hand in crafting the U.S. Declaration of Independence from that same Crown corporation sole that was represented by Victoria. While its representative monarchs came and went as their biological clocks ceased to function, the Crown corporation sole continued to wield sovereign power. Thus it was possible to prevent electronic mass media communications from falling under the control of anyone other than Crown authority.