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Published by
Silver Machine Press
© 2024
Genie Baskir
165-169 High Street
United Kingdom

Chapter One


Sensing the hidden danger to its authority, when street  illumination by gas lighting began to give way to electric lighting, the British Crown enacted a law to prevent the encoding of electric current carried by wire over common property. This restriction governed all electricity flowing into homes, factories, hospitals and any other structures dotting streets which benefited from the invisible power of electricity.

This law of 1882 came to serve as the foundational means of broadcasting censorship in the British Isles, because the Crown claimed that there were not enough frequencies to allow non-government regulated transmissions to have free access to the airwaves by means of wireless propagation. Therefore, wired transmissions became the only alternative.

This resulted in an additional system of licensing by all governmental authorities which owe their existence to the Crown, and for a time, many licenses were issued to wired broadcasters who charged a rental fee to their own subscribers. But when the wired broadcasters began including foreign transmissions which they picked up via their own receiving towers and fed those received signals by retransmission into their own wired broadcasting systems, blanket Crown censorship of broadcasting content became thwarted.

Because of the growing popularity of wired broadcasting, the Crown and its governmental agents imposed additional regulations upon the wired broadcasters, and in this way, they rendered wired broadcasting financially unstaining. Thus, over the decades that followed, the old cry that there were not enough available frequencies for non-government regulated transmissions to take place began to be heard anew.

It was the degree of sophistication required by fiber optic cabling which carried advanced Internet and Wi-Fi signals that eventually led to new laws rooted in the protection of adults from becoming victims of fraudulent claims, and the shielding of children from sexual predators. This latter concept has led to the Crown turning back the pages of time even further than the 1882 law based upon technology.

By stealth like the gradual heating of water to slowly cook a lobster, individual freedoms are once again succumbing to a phony fraudulent gatekeeper that judges all words and images permitted by a god whose supreme authority was once identified in the British Isles by the phony symbol of crossed keys. They had been grabbed from the hands of the Pope in Rome by England's King Henry VIII.

It was, to use, modern terminology, a sexual pretense that Henry used for his theft, because he wanted to abuse women for his own sexual gratification, and the Pope, who had his own unnatural ideas about sexual relations, would not allow Henry to do as he pleased. So, Henry grasped one key representing the door to the Church at Rome, and the other key representing the Papal States, and created his own Church of England and his own Kingdom of England. He was now answerable to no one but himself.

In his own mind Henry only answered to his own god. But his sectarian church is one that even the Church of Scotland does not bow to, and Henry's sectarian god is one that other faiths and religions do not recognize as their own. In fact, when all is said done, Henry's sham story which has lingered into the present day, is merely a cover for its true identity as another name for Orwellian censorship.

Over the decades that followed on from that simple clause of 1882 concerning the encoded use of electrical public wiring, continued as a blockage to entrepreneurs seeking a means to distribute wired radio and television until the dawning of the Internet transmissions. But due to the advanced sophistication required by new technology, fibred optics rendered existing wiring not fit for purpose, and that is when not only a new means of connectivity surfaced, but so did new Crown laws to control it.